Important documents
Accompanying form for collection of hair root samples
Order form for genotyping of sheep samples
Sheep – Order form paternity testing and additional analyses
Submission form for genetic tests in cattle
Cattle – Order form paternity testing and additional analyses
Order form casein genes (beta A1A2, kappa) and hereditary defects (FV)
Goat – Order form paternity testing and additional analyses
Order form for genotyping of goat samples
Other species
Horse – Order form paternity testing and additional analyses
Alpaca – Order form paternity testing and additional analyses
We are accredited according to the internationally accepted standard DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018 by the German accreditation body DAkkS.
The accreditation applies to the test methods listed in the certificate as well as in the accreditation area of the flexibilized test procedures.
Contact us
Agrobiogen GmbH
Larezhausen 3
86567 Hilgertshausen
Phone: +49 (0) 8250-92790-40