CAEV, CLA, paratuberculosis, chlamydia (multiplex)
Caprine arthritis encephalitis virus: see caprine arthritis encephalitis diagnosis
Pseudotuberculosis/caseous lymphadenitis (CLA): Is a major, worldwide, and chronic infectious disease caused by the pathogen Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis. The transmission routes are manifold, such as latently infected animal purchases, smear infection including on stable and care utensils, newborns through umbilical cord contact and breast milk or via the environment in the form of feed and drinking troughs. The bacterium can remain infectious in the environment for up to one year. The result of the infection is clearly visible suppuration of external and internal lymph nodes, followed by emaciation, breathing difficulties, bloating, fertility problems, poor health, and ultimately death of the animals. For herd sanitation, the animals must be examined regularly, and those with clear swellings and symptoms are best herded or alternatively kept strictly separated. The examination is carried out using a blood sample. A vaccine exists, but it only reduces the severity of the disease.
Paratuberculosis/Johne's disease: Is a widespread and chronic inflammatory infectious disease caused by the pathogen Mycobacterium avium spp. paratuberculosis, which causes significant economic losses in affected herds and is gaining in importance. In addition to goats, sheep, donkeys, and cattle are affected. The fact, that infected animals only show symptoms late - the incubation period is several years, and the disease cannot be cured - makes the disease difficult to contain and expensive to treat but is feasible by rearing pathogen-free young animals. Affected animals lose weight in conjunction with diarrhoea and exhaustion. As a result, they generate lower slaughter weights and milk production collapses; in addition, susceptibility to disease increases. The disease is detected via faecal or organ samples or indirectly via antibodies in serum or milk.
Chlamydia: Chlamydiosis or chlamydial abortion is an infectious disease caused by bacteria of the genus Chlamydia, and is notifiable. The pathogen also occurs in sheep, cattle, pigs, horses, wild ruminants, and humans. In addition to abortions in the second half of pregnancy, the birth of weak lambs occurs regularly. In addition, affected animals lose weight and as a result have a significantly lower meat and milk yield and can die. Strict hygiene measures must be observed when handling diseased animals and their faeces; pregnant women are particularly at risk (zoonosis). The pathogen enters the environment in large quantities with the abortion. It can be spread via contaminated feed, water, and bedding. The animals can be infected lifelong and therefore represent an additional, permanent source of infection. Vaccination is possible as a preventative measure. The pathogen is detected in the laboratory from the placenta, afterbirth, and foetal tissue using PCR. A vaginal swab is also possible.
Important Documents
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We are accredited according to the internationally accepted standard DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018 by the German accreditation body DAkkS.
The accreditation applies to the test methods listed in the certificate as well as in the accreditation area of the flexibilized test procedures.
Contact us
Agrobiogen GmbH
Larezhausen 3
86567 Hilgertshausen
Phone: +49 (0) 8250-92790-40